1.20cm win for Bianca Tyrell on Liberty 348 in the Leinster Summer Tour at Bolivor

15 Jun 1.20cm win for Bianca Tyrell on Liberty 348 in the Leinster Summer Tour at Bolivor

LSJ_loadingGreat win in the hotly contested 1.20cm Summer Tour at Bolivor Horse Show on 14th June by Bianca Tyrell on her own Liberty 348 beating her next rival by .50 of a second.  Zanzibar owned by Andrew Doogue and ridden by  Bolivor man Gerald Clarke came second.

1) Liberty 348/Bianca Tyrell 0029.91
2)Zanzibar/Gerald Clarke 00 30.35
3)Killuppaur Magic/Damien Griffin 00 30.37
3)Coldbrook Tigger/Gerald Clarke 00 30.37
5)Dutell/Damien Griffin 0030.95
6)Collerado/Vincent Byrne 0031.51