Newcomers 50cm League awarded to South County 2nd August

23 Jul Newcomers 50cm League awarded to South County 2nd August

Addition Pony Qualifier for the National Pony Championships awarded to South County

Newcomers  50cm League



  • Restricted to 128cm Ponies
  • Eligible athletes will be in their 6 th year – Under 12 Years of age on lst January 2015
  • Height in qualifiers 50cms. Championship Final 55cms
  • Athletes must compete independently
  • The class will run under Article 274.5.1
  • The top 24 athletes from each Region will qualify for the Final to be held at the National Championships in August in Mullingar
  • Points can only be gained within the athlete’s Region of domicile
  • Points at qualifiers awarded as follows: 1 point for competing; 1 point for lst clear round and 2 points for second clear round.
  • Pre qualifier to be held at the Championships
  • Points at the pre qualifier for those qualified will be as above
  • The top 25 athletes will go through to the second day of the Final on zero score
  • The Final will be run under optimum time with the display clock being turned off during the athlete’s round and turned back on after completion of the round.
  • Athletes may compete on 3 ponies but may only qualify 2 for the Championships
  • Athlete/pony combination must not have competed higher than 75cm
  • Only qualified combinations may compete in the League Final at the Championships
  • Athletes may not compete on temporary tickets or hors concours