29 Apr Mervue Equine Leinster Summer Tour 2021 Posted at 20:03h in 2021, Horses, leinster Summer Leagues, Leinster Summer Tour, MERVUE EQ LEINSTER SUMMER TOUR 2021, Mervue Equine LST, News, Young Riders by Maureen Share MERVUE EQUINE LEINSTER SUMMER TOUR 2021(10 legs)BARNADOWN – 8TH/9th MayRAVENSDALE – 12th/13th JUNEWEXFORD – 12th/13th JUNEJag Equestrian- 26th & 27 th JuneKILLOSSERY – 3rd JULYINISTOGUE – 11TH JULYTATTERSALLS -23rd/24th JULYMULLINGAR – 31st JULYIRISH BREEDERS CLASSIC – 26th/27th/28th AUGUSTDates to be confirmedCoilog, WarringtonNB This Tour must be referred to as Mervue Equine 1.35 Tour on SJI Live with the sponsor on the day below and given their credits.– MERVUE EQUINE LEINSTER SUMMER TOR DATES AND RULES FOR 20211.35 LEINSTER SUMMER TOUR.– All classes scheduled before each leg of the Mervue Equine Leinster Summer Tour must be run in strict drawn order.– Entries online through SJI LIVE close of entry times will be published on SJI LIVE and on the show schedule. – Sponsor of the Individual legs of the Spring Tour must not be in direct competition with the principal sponsor of the Tour.– Tour should begin no later than 2.30/3.00pm to help us maximize media coverage and run under Art. 238.2.2 Rules as per National Grand Prix for Ground Jury, Starter & Course Designer. In exceptional circumstances Art 238.2.1/Art– Substitution of horse or rider will only be permitted by the ground jury/judges.– Appeals must be submitted within 30 minutes of the class, as per SJI National rules.– Should an appeals committee be needed, this will be selected at the show (x3 SJI Officials).– Max 4 horses per rider.– Display clock must be available, preferably with a 45-second countdown facility.– Minimum Prize Fund €2000 to be paid out as per SJI rules. 1st – 6th Place at each leg of the Tour.– Start list will be available on SJI Live and the Showjumping Ireland website– Shows are responsible for printing out start lists for the day of the show.– As a courtesy to the Sponsors of the Tour, winners of the tour must be present to accept their prizes at the last leg of the Tour.The last leg at IBC will be run in the Mervue Equine Arena and Prize fund on the day will be 3500 euro.– Any queries regarding the tour should be addressed to [email protected] for the committee’s attention.– It is the responsibility of the rider/agent/owner to keep a record of their results at each show and to check the leader board on the website. All queries must be sent before the entries for the final leg of the tour. At the IBC in August.– Every effort will be taken to keep the Leader board correct but the responsibility will lie with the rider/ owner /agent to see that it is correct.– – Young Riders – – YR Points will be taken from their placing in the overall class 1st – 6th(SJI). – 1point will be given to the top YR if they are not placed in the class on the day and have a first-round clear., – They will receive a rosette and a Mervue Equine Goodie Bag.– All young riders, juniors, and COH (who qualify to jump at this height-SJI Rules Apply) will jump under the young rider section but are eligible for the main prize fund on the day. – Working – Producer Section – Definition of a Working Producer is an athlete/producer, whether riding competitively or for recreation, show jumps for the challenge it presents, to compete and produce Horses, not as a sole profession – “W-P Section “- horse must be owned by themselves or an immediate family member. (I.E. A parent or sibling) This section will not be run with a leader board but the combination will receive their prize on the day.WP – Prize will go to the highest placed athlete in this section on the day. – They will receive a Mervue Equine Goodie Bag. – 1 point will be given if they are not in the Placing on the day and have a first-round clear.– WP must declare with [email protected] by email before their first entry in the Tour to be included in this section. They will remain on this list for the 10 legs of the Tour. NB There will be no points and a half in the final leg of the Tour, but if there is equal 1st, the last highest points before the final leg will be declared the winner. MERVUE EQUINE LEINSTER SUMMER TOUR 1.35CM tOURWINNERS OF THE TOUR 2021The winning combination will receive a Mervue Equine rug, jacket, and goodie bag plus 2000 euroRunner Up Combination will receive a Mervue Equine Goodie Bag plus 1000 euro Top Young Rider will receive a week’s training with top International Rider, Bertram Allen in Germany, rug and goodie bag from Mervue EquineTop WP ~will receive a training session with HSI Coach, Ian Fearon.Plus a Mervue Equine rug/goodie. MERVUE EQUINE LST SMALL TOUR 1.20 · 9 legs will have a prize fund of 500 euro· The 10th leg at the Breeders Classic will have a prize fund of 2000 euro.· Winner of each leg will receive a Mervue Equine rosette and Mervue Goodie bag· Top Young Rider will receive a Mervue Equine Rosette, goodie bag· 1 point will be given to the top YR if they have a clear in the first round and are not placed in the winnings on the day.· Height of fences 1.20cm· Run under art 274.5.2/art 238.2.1/art. 274-8.5.2/238.2.2· Please note there may be a voucher in your goodie bag.· The Top WP on the day will receive a Mervue Goodie Bag. · Please note -There will be no Leaderboard for WP. this year only in Mervue Equine1.35 Summer Tour. Prizes on the day only MERVUE EQUINE 1.20 LEINSTER SUMMER SMALL TOURThe winner of the Mervue Equine LST Small Tour will receive 1250 euroA Mervue Equine Rug and Mervue Equine goodie BagRunner up will receive 750 euro. A Mervue Equine goodie bag.The winning Young Rider combination will receive a Mervue Equine rug & Mervue Equine goodie bag.MERVUE EQUINE LST SUMMER SMALL TOUR 20211.10CM· 9 legs will have a prize fund of 250 euro· THE 10TH leg ( Last leg) at the Irish Breeders Classic will have a prize fund of 1000 euro, This will be run in the Mervue Equine Arena at the Breeders Classic.& under art 238.2.1/art.274.5.2/art. 274-8.5.2/238.2.2· Winner of each leg will receive a Mervue Equine rosette and Goodie bag· Top Young Rider will receive a Mervue Equine Rosette, goodie bag· Height of fences 1.10cm· The Top WP on the day will receive a Mervue Goodie Bag. · Please note -There will be no Leaderboard for WP. this year only in Mervue Equine 1.35 Summer Tour. Prizes on the day only.MERVUE EQUINE LSR 1.10CM SMALL TOURWINNERS 2021 The winning combination will receive 1000 euro.Mervue Equine LST rug and goodie bagThe Runner-up combination will receive 500 euro.Mervue Equine LST Goodie bagTop Young Rider will receive a Mervue Equine LST Rug &Goodie bag. SHOWS We wish to thank the stand-alone shows for running the Mervue Equine Leinster Summer Tours and will appreciate it if the following rules are applied, so as to help with the smooth running of the Tour. Shows must run the 3 Mervue Tours on the same day and write “Mervue LST” on SJI Live for each leg so that there can be no confusion with the results. Special permission may be received if this is causing a major problem with the show schedule.Commentator’s notes will be sent to the show before each leg of the Tour. THE LEINSTER REGION WISH ALL THEIR MEMBERS THE VERY BEST OF LUCK IN THE TOUR AND THEY ARE DELIGHTED TO BE CO-SPONSORS OF THE TOUR WITH MERVUE EQUINE FOR THE 6TH YEAR. Shows must run the 3 Mervue Tours on the same day and write “Mervue LST” on SJI Live on each leg so that there can be no confusion with the results. Special permission can be received if this is causing a major problem with the show schedule.Commentators’ notes will be sent to each leg of the Tour. We wish to have them read out during each leg, as we are fortunate to have an exceptional sponsor to co-sponsor the Tour for the fifth year with the Leinster Region of Showjumping.