Glencarraig lady results from Wexford Eq thurs

11 Jun Glencarraig lady results from Wexford Eq thurs

under 9 years 60 cm
Charley May Murphy/BBS Buddy 50

Scott Doran/ Breakfast Toast Coco 50

Scott Doran/Canoy 50

Ciara Sarfields/Telynua Marcello 50

Kate Sinnott/Glebedale Sugar and Spice 40

under 11 years 70 cm

Max Doran/ BBSSilver Enigma 50

Anna Sarsfield/Hardingville Lightening 50

Ellen Cash/ SHL Little Rocket 50

Chantel Whitehead/ Sprit de la Forge 50

Max Doran/ Breakfast Toast Coco 10

Please note that only 128/138 can qualify for the final on Sun

24 th July 2022 in Coilog Equestrian.