
RDS News – dates for your diary

Discover Ireland Dublin Horse Show Qualifiers 2016 Please note that Charles Hanley will now design the course for the Amateur qualifier in Top Flight Equestrian Centre on Monday the 2nd of May. Horses (Show jumping)                        ...

New League in Leinster for Amateurs

Louth County Show will host the first leg of the Leinster Summer Amateur League. It will be know as the L.A.S.T. Amateur League and will run throughout the summer and finish at Dingo Final in Mullingar. Louth Edgeworthstown, ]Ballyfoyle, Westmeath Agricultural Leinster Amateur Championships...

Leinster Health and Safety Notice

Important Notice for Show Secretaries and Health/ Safety Officers Date change for Barnadown Seminar [caption id="attachment_877" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Barnadown[/caption] Barnadown  Equestrian is now on Thursday 25th February 2016 at 7pm Mullingar Equestrian Saturday 27th February 2016 at 11am Thank you for giving up your time to help...

Reminder to all show secretaries – Health & Safety Seminar 2016

Dates for your diary -LEINSTER HEALTH & SAFETY SEMINAR Important notice - 20th February @ Barnadown at 11am postponed Thursday 25th Feb at 7pm in Barnadown Saturday 27th February @ Mullingar starting at 11am -----------------------------------------------...

Training News in Leinster Region

First Aid Course Fetac Level Five   Mullingar Equestrian centre Starting   thursday 17th november                 To book your place contact Rose on           086 6021510   Courses are being run by Show Jumping Ireland       For 3 Thursdays 9am to 4.30 pm Ten Places available Cost €190 Refresher First Aid course  Monday  7th December ‘15 Ten...

Join the 2016 Leinster Team and help improve your Region.

[caption id="attachment_877" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Join the Team -Leinster Region of Showjumping[/caption] Would you like to join the Leinster Region of Showjumping and get involved in running your sport.  We need new ideas, hard workers to help the region to lift Showjumping...

Results of the Leinster Summer Tour 2015 kindly sponsored by the Leinster Region and Pegus Horse Feed

  1 Metre Leader Board Prize Money  divided between: Baby Charlton/Sarah Kelly, Ballyfree Luxalier/Taylor Vard. Ballyhaunis Lad/Christina Skelly Boolavogue Harley Cruise/Sarah Kennedy Cappytouch/Alejandro Bel Drumlia Inspiration/Gabrial Murray Kilgarvan Playboy/Alice Brennan Ogue Ballinasillogue Lady/Taylor Vard Scarhill Captain/Marie Hartley, Henry Q/Rebecca Kenny Rdy's Way/Rebecca Kenny --------------------------------------------------------- 1.10cm Winner of Leinster Summer Tour 2015 Winner: Sara Gorman/Take That\ Runner Up: Lisa Doyle Young Rider: Sven Hadley/Castlefield...

Last Leg of the Leinster Summer Tour this Sat 5th Sept at Barnadown

The Leinster Region of Showjumping have kindly sponsored the Leinster Summer Tour which ran throughout the Summer in the region alongside the Pegus LST(1.35). Pegus Horse Feed have joined Leinster in this sponsorship to provide you with excellent prizes and prize money. Please check the leader...