Glencarraig Lady League

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  • Glencarraig Lady League 2021
Glencarraig Lady League dates for your diary

Adamstown 4th July Barrow Rathangan 9th July Castlegannon 19th July Final at South County 2nd August - pre entry by post with SJI ticket and entry fee to Glenellen, Ardrass, Celbridge, Co Kildare. ...

Glencarraig Lady League results after 220615

[caption id="attachment_877" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Leader Board Glencarraig Lady League after 220615[/caption]   GLL Leader Board after 220615master Wishing all the riders coming in the Glencarraig Lady League the very best of luck 250 points to qualify for the final on Aug Bank Holiday week end...

Glencarraig Lady Leader Board after Warrington 2

[caption id="attachment_877" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Leader Board Glencarraig Lady League after Warrington 2nd[/caption]   Glencarraig lady leader board after Warrington 2 180615master Gorey and Raheen na Gun on this week end - please check your schedules...

Pegus LST moves to Raheen na Gun this Sunday

[caption id="attachment_877" align="aligncenter" width="300"] RAHEEN NA GUN- 21ST JUNE-PEGUS LST(1.35)[/caption] The Pegus Leinster Summer Tour moves to Raheen Na Gun in Kilkenny City this weekend, for the fifth round of the series which has attracted many of Ireland’s top riders in recent months. Galway’s Damien Griffin came...

Glencarraig Lady League moves to Raheen na Gun this week end

  [caption id="attachment_877" align="aligncenter" width="300"] GLENCARRAIG LADY LEAGUE AT RAHEEN NA GUN THIS WEEK END[/caption] Glencarraig Lady League moves to Raheen na Gun this week end and unfortunately, I gave permission to Warrington to run a leg this week end to accommodate the young riders without looking...

Leinster Summer Tour moves to Raheen na Gun this week end

The Leinster Summer Tour moves to Raheen na Gun this week end with a full schedule of event. Pegus LST(1.35) will be the feature of the day with the little ones catered for by a Glencarraig Lady Qualifier and all the South Leinster Leagues.  1 metre,...

Ballyfoyle Co Kilkenny host their Horse and Pony Show on 28th June 2015

 "Show of the Year 2014" Ballyfoyle Gymkhana will be held this year on 28th June with excellent showjumping for both Horses and Ponies, Glencarraig lady league, dog show, lead rein classes for all small children.  They also cater for the local non registered showjumpers. Ballyfoyle gymkhana...


RESULTS OF THE GLENCARRAIG LADY LEAGUE AT BOLIVOR CO MEATH UNDER 89 YEARS Polo/ Ava Daly 50 April Ladd/Laura McCann 50 Ashsara Miami Bound/Eoin Brennan 50 Cuffsgrange Golden Girl/Anna Sheehan 50 Flossy Boots/Aoibhinn Ruane 30 Ballyknockan Tinkerbell/Timmy Brennan 50 Trendy Scot/Rebecca O Connor 50 Miss Mossy/Ted Lynch 50 Cuffsgrange Ever So Clever/Mathew Sheehan 50 Cuffsgrange Minature...

Leinster Summer Tour Standing going into Bolivor Show this Sunday

Rules for PEGUS LST(1.35) & Leinster Tour 2015 master Leinster 1.20 summer tour after Ravensdale15 Leinster 1.10 Ladies after Ravensdale15 LEINSTER SUMMER TOUR 2015 - LST 1.10 Karlswood Stables Bursary 15 LEINSTER SUMMER TOUR 2015 - LST 1,00 LEINSTER SUMMER TOUR 2015 - LST AMAT ...


Glencarraig lady leader board after Coilog 70615master Next Leg of Glencarraig Lady League will be held at Bolivor this Sunday. Please see SJI Bulletin for other dates and venues -----------------------...