
Killossery Lodge Stud – change to start time

Killossery Lodge Stud  Please note a change of start times from next Wed. 13th April: Horses start at 1.30pm 90cm will start at 2.30pm 1m will start at 3pm 1.10m will start at 3.30 1.20m will start at 4pm. Ponies as usual...

Killossery League – Important Information

Change of start times starting from next Wed. 13th April 2016. Horses start at 1.30om 90cm will start at 2.30pm 1m will start at 3pm 1.10m will start at 3.30 1.20 will start at 4pm. Ponies as usual. ...

Glencarraig Lady League 2016

Glencarraig Lady League 2016 Important Notice - Please check the SJI Bulletin for show dates and see when they are running the Glencarraig Lady competition each day. Shows in April Louth County Show 24th April May Thomastown 1st May Warrington Olyegate 29th May June ...

Reminder to all show secretaries – Health & Safety Seminar 2016

Dates for your diary -LEINSTER HEALTH & SAFETY SEMINAR Important notice - 20th February @ Barnadown at 11am postponed Thursday 25th Feb at 7pm in Barnadown Saturday 27th February @ Mullingar starting at 11am -----------------------------------------------...

Wishing our Pony Riders the Best of Luck this week end at their Awards Ball in Kilkenny

> Wishing our Leinster Pony Riders the very best of luck at their Annual Awards Ball in Kilkenny this week end. We are looking forward to seeing lots of Photos of their presentations next week.                                                                        ------------------------------------------...

Training News in Leinster Region

First Aid Course Fetac Level Five   Mullingar Equestrian centre Starting   thursday 17th november                 To book your place contact Rose on           086 6021510   Courses are being run by Show Jumping Ireland       For 3 Thursdays 9am to 4.30 pm Ten Places available Cost €190 Refresher First Aid course  Monday  7th December ‘15 Ten...