16 Jun Glencarraig Lady League 2021 -rules and dates
Rules for the Glencarraig Lady League Qualifiers 2021
Riders must be under 11 years on 1st Jan 2021 to compete in this League
Section 1 = under 9 years on 1st Jan 2021
Section 2= under 11 years on 1st Jan 2021
Ponies- 128/138 any grade
Riders competing in Open Grade A classes or their equivalent in metre system are not eligible
for this league
Grade A pony is eligible with a Novice Rider.
Registered and unregistered ponies may compete
Temporary Tickets are available on sji live.
Entry fees for this class cannot be more than €20 with the exception of the Final.
All rider/pony combinations will receive league points.
Max points that rider/pony combination with two clear rounds can receive at any show is 50
points. In GLL
Height of fences- 60 cm for under 9 years and 70 cm for under 11years.
In the Final – a double in the first round and the height of the fences 70 cm for under 8years
and 80cm for under 11 years.
A rider may ride two ponies in the competitions and in the final.
To qualify for the Final, a combination of rider/pony will need 300 points.
If for some unforeseeable reason, that more than 8 shows are cancelled due to bad weather
and not replaced with other dates/venues, the number of points required will be 250 to qualify.
Judging at the Qualifiers
50 points for two clear rounds
10 points for 1 clear round
10 points for completing the first round
10 points for completing the second round
10 points for second clear round
10 points for attending
(eg. Round 1 = 3 fences down = 10 points for completing the course
Round 2= clear = 10 points
addition 10 points for clearing the round = 20 points for this round)
10 points for attending
Total for this rider/combination = 40 points(10 points lost for faults in first round)
Please encourage these riders to get around the course.
At the Qualifiers
Each Rider will receive a rosette from the show.
The show will judge and present the “Best Turned Out” which they will sponsor with either a
trophy or a gift.
Parents are responsible for keeping a record of their points each day and at which venue.
Finals will be held at show to be confirmed in July/August
300 points to complete in the final.
Results will be posted on the Leinster Showjumping website.and weekly results on SJI Live
Due to Covid 19, these rules may be altered to comply with the safety restrictions and
SJI compliance. All riders must be SJI members.
Dates for the Glencarraig Lady League
5th June « Coilog Equestrian
13th June « Butterfly Farm( this was advertised in SJI Live as a Glencarraig lady League and will be honoured)
17th June « Wexford Eq@5pm(Thurs)
19th June « Coilog Equestrian
20th June « Jag Equestrian
24th June @5pm(Thurs) Wexfordd Equestrian
26th June – Barnadown
27th June « Butterfly Farm
1st July – Wexford Equestrian@5pm(Thurs)
3rd July – Coilg Equestrian
4th July – Mullingar
10th July – Barnadown
11th July – Inistogue (Stand alone show)
17th July – Coilog Equestrian
17th July – Barnadown Equestrian
24th July – Barnadown
25th July – Coilog(Stand alone show)
31st July – Barnadown
Entries on SJI LIVE
Other dates may be added in August. Please remember that the Glencarraig Lady League is run to encourage friendship and good sportsmanship for our younger riders
Enquiries by Text 0872635732 with your name.