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Darryl Walker rider to Victory in Charleville

Darryl Walker’s trip to Charleville Agricultural show proved to be a fruitful one as he rode to victory in the TRM/Horseware National Grand Prix. Riding Manuela Martinelli’s nine-year-old Cushions (ISH), Walker recorded his first win of the series. This...

Jumping in the City – a Roaring Success

JUMPING IN THE CITY WAS A ROARING SUCCESS Congratulations to all concerned with the project "Jumping in the City" taken on by HSI/SJI under the stewardship of Damien Mc Donald. The audience loved the entertaining schedule put on last Friday night for the final leg of Jumping...

Breen wins Hickstead Derby, Allen takes Netherlands Grand Prix

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Glencarraig Lady League results after 220615

[caption id="attachment_877" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Leader Board Glencarraig Lady League after 220615[/caption]   GLL Leader Board after 220615master Wishing all the riders coming in the Glencarraig Lady League the very best of luck 250 points to qualify for the final on Aug Bank Holiday week end...

Jumping in the City comes to Shelbourne Park this Friday TOP class show jumping and performances from the Army No.1 band and top percussion act Extreme Rhythm come to Shelbourne Park this Friday. Other attractions include a display by top equine artist Tony O’ Connor, an Olympic...

Barnadown RDS Qualifiiers

The third RDS qualifier for this year’s Connolly’s RED MILLS 7 & 8 year-old international competition at the Dublin Horse Show, took place at Barnadown in Co Wexford on Wednesday, with Tipperary’s Liam O’Meara taking the winners prize with Curraghgraigue Jack Take Fligh. The seven-year-old gelding...

This week end Pegus LST(1.35) moves to Mullingar(Sun)

Leinster Summer Tour moves to Mullingar Equestrian this Sunday with the hightlight of the afternoon being the Pegus LST(1.35).  Entries for this competition should be made with the SJI office on Wednesday 24th(RDS Qualifier day) before close of business on Wednesday or "on Line" by...