18 Jan Spring Training in Leinster 2016
Fetac Level Five First Aid Refresher course in Mullingar Equestrian Center on Monday the 29th February 2016 cost € 80.four places available so book soon to avoid disappointment.
There are two places available for the full Fetac Level five course in Mullingar due to start on Thursday the 29th January. This course will run for three Thursdays and the cost is
€ 190
Child Protection course in Mullingar Equestrian on Monday evening the 7th March.
The child protection course now has to be completed ever three years for those who have contact with children through sport. This course is compliant with H.S.I.regulations.
There are 16 places and the cost is € 20.
Please note that Garda vetting has to be renewed/ completed ever 5 years.
For further information please contact Rose Mary Rice on 086 0444068