10 Jul Thursday next Wexford hosts one of the best Agricultural Shows in Ireland
Bannow Rathangan in Duncormick, Wexford is the venue for the most exciting and informative Agricultural Show in Ireland. It draws the crowds in from all the resorts in both Wexford and Waterford to see the array of stands, farm machinery, showing horses, cattle and other farm animals on display.
The local community work hard for months so that the younger generator will enjoy and see the life style of work on a farm and they will have contact with the farm animals, enjoy the display of home produce, craft workers, Horse and Pony showjumping on the day. The Hunt chase is a great draw for the community and lends great fun to the event.
Sunshine from the Gods is all that is required for a very successful fun day out for anyone on holidays as well as the farming community from far and away. If you have never been to Bannow Rathangan with your family, you are in for a treat which I promise will trill you all.
Date for your Diary – Thursday 14th July starting at 9am
Give yourself time for travel.
Showjumping SchedulePetitits Novice Showjumping Championships
TRM Horseware National Grand Prix
1.30 Speed Class Table C
Horses 90cm, 1 metre, 1.10 & 1.20cm
Ponies 138 -80cm,90cm,1metre,1.10Springbox
Ponies 148-90cm,1 metre,1.10, 1.20cm Springboard Q
Ponies 128 -50cm,60cm,70cm,80cm,90cm, 85cm under 10 Q, 128 Metre
Glencarraig Lady League
See SJI Bulletin Page 40 July for full schedule