10 May Victory for CBI Victory and Susan Fitzpatrick in the 7 Year old ISH SJ Series in Barnadown
Posted at 11:18h
in 2021, Horses, Leagues, MERVUE EQ LEINSTER SUMMER TOUR 2021, Mervue Equine LST, News, Young Riders
BI Victory (ISH) by Vittorio (HOLST) out of CENITH M (KWPN) by DIAMANT DE SEMILLY (SF) bred by Aidan Carroll owned and ridden by Susan Futzpatrick jumped double clear in a time of 35.29 seconds to win the 7-year-old final of third leg of the Irish Sport Horse Studbook Showjumping Series at Barnadown Showjumping.
One of only three double clears in the 7-year-old class, Fitzpatrick fought off stiff competition from Oisin Aylward on board ESI Jet Set (ISH) and Tony Donohue ridding Cruising with Alice (ISH).
In the 5-year-old final, four combinations jumped double clear to split the win, while in the 6-year-olds, there were also four clear rounds.