Connolly’s RED MILLS Spring Tour starts this Sunday 14th February at Jag Equestrian

10 Feb Connolly’s RED MILLS Spring Tour starts this Sunday 14th February at Jag Equestrian

Jag Eq logo

Entries for the 1st leg of the Connolly’s RED MILLS Spring Tour must  be made to Showjumping Ireland on line by 4pm to morrow Thursday 10th February. 

All classes before the Spring Tour and including the Tour are pre entry on line.

The very best of luck to Jag Equestrian and Julianne Gaffney taking with her new venture.

Course Designer for the week end is our International Course Designer, Tom Holden .


dates for HSI Connolly’s RED MIILLS Spring Tour 2016

rules for 2016 spring tour
